The international marketing of the Beefmaster breed is a high priority to Beefmaster Breeders United. We continue to work daily to expand Beefmaster markets and open new markets around the globe. We work with the U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE) to match international producers with sources in the United States that offer superior Beefmaster genetics with superior credentials. A majority of our Beefmaster sales offer online bidding through, which is a great resource for international breeders to purchase United States Beefmaster genetics. If you would like to setup an account with, please click here to download Spanish Instructions for setting up a DV Auction account.
For more information on the BBU International Program please contact Jon Garza at, 512-517-5163.
BBU “Go International Team” (GIT) Membership

- Free listing in International Semen Directory. Option to buy a color display ad in same publication. Must be a GIT member to participate.
- Directory to be featured in BBU booth at all functions
- Listing / weblink on BBU’s “Go International Team” section of Beefmasters.or
- Receive notice of any international inquiries received at office or website.
- Use of GI logo in advertising and directory
- Can participate in BBU international mission trips (non-members not eligible)
- Can apply for reverse trade funds to bring foreign guests to sales or events. Only GIT members can apply. This includes Satellites.
- Featured on BBU list of recommended locations for international visits. A list with contact info for each member will be given to all international guests planning a U.S. tour.
- Eligible to participate in International field days and reverse trade missions
- Listed as sponsor of any potential International Field Days or Sale Events.
(GIT) 2023 Members
- Loran M and/or Norma J Bounds, Axtell, TX
- Frenzel Beefmasters, Temple, TX
- Dr. Alvaro Restrepo, McAllen, TX
- Arthur W & Nancy H Epley III, Houston, TX
- Farm and Ranch Beefmasters, San Isidro, TX
- Lorenzo Lasater, San Angelo, TX
- Abe & Grace, Danny & Melanie Saenz, Poteet, TX
- Bill & Sheila Wilson, Edinburg, TX
- Burnell Gates, San Antonio, TX
- Larry & Sherri Ellis, La Ward, TX
- Kalli Ellis, La Ward, TX
- Steve & Cindy Emmons, Fairfield, TX
- William & Peggy Skoruppa, George West, TX
- Larry & Janey Miller, Bastrop, TX
International Registration Fees
- International Membership - $25
- Purebred Reg 0 – 9 mos. - $8
- Purebred Reg 10 – 14 mos. - $8
- Purebred Reg 15 – 18 mos. - $8
- Purebred Reg 19 mos. – and up - $8
- Add’l Fee – ET Registration - $5
- Out of Herd Sire (AI or Embryo Calf) - $5
- Exchange of International Certificates - $100