
Record Your Mature Cow Weights

by Joe Mask | Published November 20, 2017


> Mature Cow Weight Spreadsheet <

We are currently asking members to record and submit their mature cow weights to BBU, in order to help in the formulation of a new EPD. Mature cow weights are tied to cow efficiency and will help us to prove that we are THE maternal breed. A mature cow weight can be tied into the $M index and make the maternal index an even better tool in the selection of replacement females.

These weights are simple to collect, as they will be collected when calves are weaned. When weaning calves, run the cows belonging to the weaned calves, across the scale and collect a weight and a Body Condition Score (BCS). Body condition scores are recorded on a 1-9 scale with 1 being emaciated and 9 being severely obese. You can refer to the diagram below for a visual representation of BCS.

The cow’s identification number and BBU breeding certificate number are needed, as well as the weight, BCS and the recorded date. Records that do not tie in with a weaning record will not be recorded. We ask that you record these data points on the spreadsheet linked here and return the completed spreadsheet to the BBU office via lbauer@beefmasters.org.

For more information contact Collin Osbourn or Lance Bauer at 210-732-3132.

> Mature Cow Weight Spreadsheet <












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